Today, 7/7/2016 I had to sub for a daycare in Frisco (under new management). I had eight kids in my class and a few of them wanted to talk about Layla the Ladybug. Six out of eight kids read these 3 Layla the Ladybug books.
One of the kids explained to me what she learned from the book titled “bullying.” She noticed Layla’s spots were different and unique. She also said, ” we should appreciate our uniqueness as well.”
Another child replied, ” she likes the way the sun shows emotion in each page.” (book on Honesty)
Most of the children in this class has experienced being left behind by a friend while on a playground and they can identify with Layla in the book titled – “Layla Used Wisdom and Not Her Emotions.” The kids enjoyed the conclusion of this story.
These books are created to grab children’s attention, relate to some of their feelings and deliver positive solutions.